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Experience God's beauty in nature

Writer's picture: Chelsea RagbirChelsea Ragbir

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

Creation points to the Creator. Indeed, its a phrase we often hear. However, how often do we take the time to sit and ponder on the beauty of nature and all of God's creation?

Each person we meet in this world is so unique, gifted in many different ways with different physical appearances, hair type, color, talents and abilities and the list goes on. Each individual is a masterpiece. God's masterpiece. Every person has their own unique fingerprint, and there are almost 7 billion people in this world- just imagine- 7 billion unique fingerprint patterns. Can you think of 7 billion unique patterns and publish them too? That may be somewhat difficult right?

Just as God puts so much effort in creating special, unique human beings, all of his other creations are special. God sees what we don't see. He looks at the intricate details. In the human person, He looks at the heart. Lok at the flowers and the birds. each and every one of them are different. Beautiful in their own way.

God's beauty in nature is reflected in the simple things like the arrangement of clouds in the sky, the shape and brightness of the moon and the stars at night, the beautiful, picturesque scenes of sunrise and sunset which we love to capture in photographs.

Another amazing, incomprehensible marvel of creation is the Aurora Borealis. Its colors are so fascinating! Look closely at the leaves and trees. The veins of the leaves which transports its food, and at the same time adds to its beauty. Each animal, each insect- Look closely at them. They are fascinating in their own way!

So, the next time you go out into nature, take some time to pause, reflect and look closely at the beautiful things God has created. Remember, if all these things are beautiful, YOU are even more beautiful, for you are the highest of God's creation! If he sustains all these creatures, never forget that he will sustain you too, in every challenge and every circumstance.

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