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Why Catholicism?

Writer's picture: Chelsea RagbirChelsea Ragbir

Updated: Jul 18, 2021


Catholicism is among the world's oldest religions. the church, since its inception, has undergone and still continues to undergo many joys and sorrows. Amidst the increasing denominations of Christianity, the Catholic Church holds fast to its magesterium, based on tradition handed down from the generations, which is traced back to Jesus Christ.


It is the only Church in history that was established by God himself, as seen in Matthew 16:18 "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it." (NRSV) Consequently, after Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension into Heaven, the Catholic Church was established and Peter became the first Pope. Since then, every other Pope is deemed to be a Successor of Saint Peter.


Perhaps, the most beautiful aspect of Catholicism is the Mass. It is rightly deemed as our "Highest form of worship." In the mass, we enter the "Holy of Holies." Pope John Paul II described the Mass as "Heaven on Earth." During the Mass, the veil of heaven is removed and heaven meets earth, on the Altar, where the Priest is offering the Sacrifice, re-living the Calvary experience. Jesus comes, through the Priest and Consecrates the bread and wine into His body and Blood, the most perfect sign of love and the most perfect gift to humanity.


The sacraments are "outward signs of inward graces." They are meant for the building up of the Church and keeping the Church totally united with Christ. In the Catholic Church, there are 7 sacraments as follows:

  1. Baptism- First initiation into the Body of Christ. The baby is anointed Priest, Prophet and King and Jesus comes to dwell in the child.

  2. Reconciliation- Also popularly known as confession, this is a sacrament of penance, where one confesses their sin and acknowledges that they have fallen short, ask God's mercy, and vow to avoid sin.

  3. Eucharist- Referred to by Saint John Paul II as the "Source and Summit of Christian Life," the Eucharist commemorates the Last Supper, where Christ gave his body and blood for us. The Priest has the special privilege from Christ to consecrate ordinary bread and wine into Christ's Body and Blood.

  4. Confirmation- In this sacrament, one receives the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes into us and make our bodies His dwelling place. In this Holy Sacrament, we receive the Holy Spirit's 7 gifts, namely, Wisdom, Understanding, Fear of The Lord, Piety, Fortitude, Counsel and Knowledge.

  5. Anointing of the Sick- Through the Anointed Hands of the Priest, Jesus touches and heals those who are sick, from their sin & physical ailments.

  6. Holy Orders-Where ordinary men are chosen and called by God for the great privilege of serving Christ and His church in the capacity of Priest and Deacon.

  7. Holy Matrimony-In this Sacrament, a baptized man and woman join in lawful marriage.

These Sacraments are unique/exclusive to the Catholic Church

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